Time in School and Education

My Role

Whilst my work at school is not all relevant to programming or development, the skills picked up there can be useful throughout my life and in many different situations. Firstly, as Head Boy in my last year of school, I was able to grow and improve my leadership skills as well as communication skills with peers and staff. Having to give speeches and presentations infront of large crowds including parents and peers helped me grasp core skills such as public speaking, which in turn, aided my confidence. My articulate nature and ability to work hard at any given task, as well as multiple other key skills, helped me prove my worth and gain the position as Head Boy.

Subject Work

At A-Level I took Geography, History and Physical Education. Although these subject are not specifically linked to coding/programming or development, they are still more than useful for my current work. History taught me to research topics in depth, gaining information from all types of sources and how they should be compared and referenced against one another, this directly linked to Geography which was able to teach me multiple ways to carry out research, and how to debate on those topics. Furthermore, Geography and History helped me gain a deep subject knowledge on politics and the makings of the world. On the other hand, Physical Education taught me how to work with specific facts and statistics (like geography and history), and then how to apply them to the world and real life situations. Physical Education, along with my Higher Sports Leadership Award helped to develop and improve my leadership skills and teamworking abilities. All in all, my subjects and knowledge gained from them can be taken and applied to multiple situations throughout my life.


In my time at school, I was always apart of the sports teams and I would regularly take part in extra curricular activities. Throughout my life I have regularly played, field hockey, rugby, cricket and football as well as competed in multiple athletics events. For rugby and hockey, I have also competed as part of teams outside of school. Whilst those are my most regular sports, I am always willing to try new ones and I am constantly taking part in different sports and activities whenever I can.